Friday, August 8, 2008

Hi (:

By posting here, I am hereby spoiling a very nice moment...

101 Posts!
(click to enlarge)



Anyway, here's the thank you list for the cheering competition.

1. Syafiqah, Divya and Melissa -- Although you all shouted and screamed at us, we all know that you had good intentions and wanted the best for the class. Thanks to the three of you, you have led us through your cheerleading and ideas to victory!

2. Asyraf and Khairuddin -- the DANCE was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

3. Shahirah, 'Amirah and Mardhiyyah -- Thank you for coming up with innovative ideas such as the bottle beat and formations! Because of you, we must have wowed the judges and the crowd!

4. The Royales (i am not sure of who're in it except a few) -- for spending your precious after-school time on making props and coming up with ideas! Thanks also for taking the time to activate the relay system to spread cheering-comp related information!

and finally...

5. EVERYBODY for making this event a success! The enthusiasm was incredible!

Yours truly,
Silicon Lanthanum Sulphur/αμπ

P.S. Did I miss out your name? If I did, please tag on the tagboard! Sorry if I did!

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