chalet was a success ! :D yea ! 2o1 frontiers rocks !
hahas , hmm kay , lets do an overview of our chalet . since its such a success , i shall do this cause i scared 80 years later , we all may turn senile and forget about what actually really happen lols . we all must remember what happen during our chalet ! and so here it goes ~
17th December 2008 :D
1st day of our chalet , bright in the morning the organising committee went to kaiting 's house to meet up and after that , we went to costa sands via her mum 's lorry . the whole journey was freaking windy , esp when the lorry move , the girls all turn into some evil spirit with the hair flying madlywhile the guys were not .. but we joked alot . lols , was a fun ride afterall . :D
we simply threw our stuffs all over the place
khairuddin must be clicking to save this pic lols , i was just joking . =/
reach there , check in and went to our unit , S-04 . hmm , so our unit wasnt that satisfying , i mean the environment etc . lols you all should know what i mean . but in case we turn senile and think that we stay in a 5 star chalet 80 yrs later , heres some picture :D

while felicia , kaiting , asyraf , khairuddin and benchan went to buy some stuffs , me , ruifeng , jinmei and huimin started to slack and look around LOLs
we were trying to be superman and superwoman for your information :DDD
this is a ghost story that happen on the 1st day of our chalet .. muahahaha
this picture is not that simple as you think . .. look closer , only smart people can see . :P
i turn this picture to all-can-see mode so that not only smart people can see the ghost .
and everyone came in at around 4++ and we started our card games - the and indian poker . it was quite fun we did super funnyyy and lame stuffs throughout the game but everybody did enjoyed ! I still remember I was curling my hair as the act card then weekiat says : I cant do that to my hair ! that was super funny :DD bt those who drank a lot , etc jinghao , as forfeit , they must be feeling super duper replenish then lols .
i look freaking funny in both picture here hahas :DDDDDDDD

the action that we need to do when we kena the act card , jiaying suggested that actions . yes yes yes we are lame but on the other hand , frontiers are a joyful , smart [?] , united, and alot more , lot . :DDDD 201 frontiers rocks !
jiayan - the sick supermodel no.1 ! :DDDD trying to be sexayye ~
that was kaiting's finger lols she started everything ~~~ LOL !
jiayan - the sick supermodel no.1 ! :DDDD
lols sorry for being so sick but that wasnt my idea ! its easy to guess who anyway ~~
okay ! im just the photographer , the 2 hands belong to jiayan and kaiting , the 2 sick ones , though jiayan always claim that she is pure and innocent but after sitting with xuying and all for so long , who believes man . hahas .
me , hui min and jinmei :DDDDD
kaiting and i :DDDDDDDDD this kind of picture is rare since she dont like to take picture . ~~
felicia and i :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD felicia so pretty :DDD
this picture is uber funny kay ! noreen look asif she is drunk LOLs !!!!
aiyoyo noreen ah next time u do this again i tell ur nya nya then u know . tsk .
we were watching little nyonya ~
and khairuddin uses nya nya to call his mum in front of us hahas so funny :DD
after bbq , we rested awhile and smth interesting happened . lols .khairuddin was bathing and everyone crowded around the toilet and keep on kajiao-ing him . we off lights bang doors do this do that then there will b constant AHHHH-ing by khairuddin , so funny ! and who say best friend will nvr betray you ? I will prove you wrong lols . a short play :D
(everybody was kajiao-ing khairuddin showering outside the toilet)
Khairuddin : AHHHH ! AHHH ! AHHH ! ~
Then after that khairuddin locked the door . then I go turn the knob so as to create the sound then I say : khairuddin why u nvr lock door ?
And there he go again , screaming ~. he claim that those who saw his body should faint cause he has a hot body . LOLs
khairuddin and asyraf ~ the 2 that keep gaying tgt during chalet LOLs
i personally thinks khairuddin looks more shuai in real person lols
khairuddin and asyraf , playing psp . ~~
'wheres felicia ??' muahahas
khairuddin ~
yup ! the floor is this dirty .. as black as charcoal . and jiayings feet werent the blackest kay .
After that , me , felicia , ruifeng , khairuddin , jiaying , Noreen , weekiat , letian , mingzhe , jinghao and huimin went to watch the day the earth stood still . guess what , the earth didn’t stood still at all throughout the whole show . ironical huh . well , that show wasn’t tt nice .felicia even fell asleep .bt before the show , felicia and I saw an artiste which I don’t know his name , bt he was watching the same movie as us :D we were like totally stunned when we saw him LOLs
Oh ya and on the way to the e!hub , I just realised that khairuddin look like a rapist cum flasher with his jacket lols ! really lah
Me , felicia , khairuddin , kaiting and benchan went to eat mac while the others sleep ( it was their turn to sleep)
Went back , free time , chat , play card games among ourself . and we played games again , this time , wet game . thank god that there was a sunless place :D .hmm , the wet game wasn’t tt bad . we played dodge ball and i-dont-know-what-isit-called-game . my group won ! :DDDD and we earn ourselves a tub of ice cream . but didn’t bring my camera to the beach so yea , no pics . but it was this time when benchan friend’s estelle came .
Then , free time again . some of us stayed at the chalet while some went to ride bike . we played heart attack in the chalet . initially it was me , felicia , kaiting , Jiayan , and benchan playing . well as you can already predict , everyone was aiming to hit benchan muahahahas ! okay not everyone , felicia so gentle , its only me , Jiayan and kaiting. me and jiayan too powerful le , we hit benchan so hard that he quit the game after 2 hits which was enough to make his whole hand RED . then I get ruifeng , asyraf and khairuddin to join the game , while benchan just sat there and watch ‘show’ , seeing how we can beat each other lols .
The game was really really really really really very fun . Total up I hit benchan once , khairuddin , twice or thrice , asyraf once , ruifeng once and and and .. felicia , 4 . yes f-o-u-r four hard hits . she gu yi one lo , her hand put so slow don’t know is her reflex slow or what lols den I thought she would siam then in e end I always ended up hitting her . IM SO SORRY FELICIA ! hit is doting scold , scold is love, and since I hit u that hard , it only shows tt I dote and love felicia too much :DDD
hahas , and it belonged to khairuddin , the rapist cum maid cum flasher who claims to have a sexaye bodaye -.-
'wheres is my the kopi huh ? i wait very the long le leh !'
candid of khairuddin , dont you all think that he looks super duper like an typical uncle who is waiting for his coffee ? LOLs uncle khairuddin ~
starting fire . pathetic right lols i think we spend about 30-40 minutes before coming to this stage
WOOHOO FIRE FIRE FIRE ! we were super high about it lurhs ! :DDDDDDDDDD
estelle and benchan helping :D [as you can see , the fire on the previous pic went out a little LOLs so they came to help]
after almost one hour [7.45pm] we are finally starting to put the food on the mash , note the previous pic and this pic .. see the lighting different you will know liao , its really FINALLY . i was helping with the fire so are the rest of the organising committee hence ive got no pics between 6.54 and 7.45 . lols . we were fanning crazily and using alot alot alot of fire starter cause they went out consecutively due to our fanning lols . but was quite fun though tiring ! :DD
the chicken wings were nt that bad but the satay and otah was VERY NICE :DDDD
frontiers waiting for food :D
i ask ruifeng to show me a retarded face then he show me this cry-father-cry-mother look hahas
jinmei look like a mafia leader , hmm jiaying , i dont know what she trying to do . funny pose LOLs
the action that we need to do when we kena the act card , jiaying suggested that actions . yes yes yes we are lame but on the other hand , frontiers are a joyful , smart [?] , united, and alot more , lot . :DDDD 201 frontiers rocks !
and it was freetime , ruifeng , me , jiaying , jiayan , kaiting , Noreen went to the beach and we did lame stuffs , as usual :D
there is a story behind this -- we were playing vball when my vball flew to a muddy site and like duh ~ nobody dare to pick it up and daddy went to help me pick and his whole leg kena mud , really very erxin but daddy continued on to help me pick . hais i love u daddy ! then in end all the guys pangseh him so evil .. , leaving the girls with him . then after thathe went to the sea to wash my vball and his leg as well and we went there shortly after . ruifeng daddy is really a good and weida man , if you are interested in him , u can fang yi bai ke xin to chase him . :DDDD we love you daddy !
what a shibai de qian shou guan ying lols . aiya , we just trying to be lame , you see LOLSconsisting of ruifeng , me , jiayan and noreen :DDDDDDDDDDD
that was kaiting's finger lols she started everything ~~~ LOL !
lols if u are sick enough , u should know whats the volleyball for and and and the finger was mine but i was just obeying to someone's order -.-
i really wonder why that lady behind can still manage to stay and sit there LOL
lols sorry for being so sick but that wasnt my idea ! its easy to guess who anyway ~~
then it was bbq !
I didn’t take much photos of bbq on the 1st day . I guess I must be eating . and of course helping too and the otah was super nice ! the satay also !
The fire was started successfully on the 1st day in a short time cause benchan was there to help lols . we ate , we joked we helped and many more that bbq .
the one on the left was public pit while kaiting's pit was burning like dont know what due too many of firestarter lols ~
hahas , her head super heavy , oops , i was JUST joking LOLs .
as you can see , the lighting werent very good LOLs
the stairs inside our chalet :D its super hollow , i think if everyone stand on it and do star jump , it will collapse immediately . Lol .
aiyoyo noreen ah next time u do this again i tell ur nya nya then u know . tsk .
and khairuddin uses nya nya to call his mum in front of us hahas so funny :DD
after bbq , we rested awhile and smth interesting happened . lols .khairuddin was bathing and everyone crowded around the toilet and keep on kajiao-ing him . we off lights bang doors do this do that then there will b constant AHHHH-ing by khairuddin , so funny ! and who say best friend will nvr betray you ? I will prove you wrong lols . a short play :D
(everybody was kajiao-ing khairuddin showering outside the toilet)
Khairuddin : AHHHH ! AHHH ! AHHH ! ~
( people continue to kajiao)
Me : HAHAS , he cannot shower in peace (yea , I was the xing zai le huo one lols)
Felicia : let him shower in peace luh ! (well , no comment , you all should know why she said that .. oops felicia wo bus hi gu yi de )
(constant laughing)
Asyraf : AIYA ya la let him shower in peace luh !
Yes people , your suspicion is right . how can asyraf be so nice ? don’t misunderstand ! yes, asyraf did said that but he was whispering to me this :Asyraf : shhshhshhh , wait 1st ( flash out a coin with a cunning smile)
Then after that me and jiaying got ready our camera and asyraf unlock the door with the coin and the thing went *twick* , den we broke into laughter and khairuddin started shouting . you all must be scrolling down crazily for khairuddin’s sexy body [well , he claim to have one]pics , but I saw nothing neither did my camera LOLs . maybe asyraf did , ask him more if you are interested hahas .
Then after that me and jiaying got ready our camera and asyraf unlock the door with the coin and the thing went *twick* , den we broke into laughter and khairuddin started shouting . you all must be scrolling down crazily for khairuddin’s sexy body [well , he claim to have one]pics , but I saw nothing neither did my camera LOLs . maybe asyraf did , ask him more if you are interested hahas .
Then after that khairuddin locked the door . then I go turn the knob so as to create the sound then I say : khairuddin why u nvr lock door ?
And there he go again , screaming ~. he claim that those who saw his body should faint cause he has a hot body . LOLs
after that , took some pictures :DD
i personally thinks khairuddin looks more shuai in real person lols
but me and khairuddin use the towel to clean the whole place and the floor managed to be CLEAN for like few hours -.- well , its better than nothing . :DDD khairuddin , the maid was derive from here too LOLs
After that , me , felicia , ruifeng , khairuddin , jiaying , Noreen , weekiat , letian , mingzhe , jinghao and huimin went to watch the day the earth stood still . guess what , the earth didn’t stood still at all throughout the whole show . ironical huh . well , that show wasn’t tt nice .felicia even fell asleep .bt before the show , felicia and I saw an artiste which I don’t know his name , bt he was watching the same movie as us :D we were like totally stunned when we saw him LOLs
Oh ya and on the way to the e!hub , I just realised that khairuddin look like a rapist cum flasher with his jacket lols ! really lah
the 2 in black were police and the one is green is the rapist cum flasher aka khairuddin LOLs
he looks superbly like one right ~
he keep on flashing himself to felicia and some of us and the way he wears that hoodie really look much like a rapist lols , and he claimed that he raped alot of people le . but end up me , jiayan and kaiting were 'raping' him and felicia watching the 'show' the next day when we were having our free time in the room . LOLs
Then after tt we went back to our chalet and showered . and we separated into 2 groups so that we can take turns to sleep lols
18th December 2008 :D
Me , felicia , khairuddin , kaiting and benchan went to eat mac while the others sleep ( it was their turn to sleep)
Went back , free time , chat , play card games among ourself . and we played games again , this time , wet game . thank god that there was a sunless place :D .hmm , the wet game wasn’t tt bad . we played dodge ball and i-dont-know-what-isit-called-game . my group won ! :DDDD and we earn ourselves a tub of ice cream . but didn’t bring my camera to the beach so yea , no pics . but it was this time when benchan friend’s estelle came .
Then , free time again . some of us stayed at the chalet while some went to ride bike . we played heart attack in the chalet . initially it was me , felicia , kaiting , Jiayan , and benchan playing . well as you can already predict , everyone was aiming to hit benchan muahahahas ! okay not everyone , felicia so gentle , its only me , Jiayan and kaiting. me and jiayan too powerful le , we hit benchan so hard that he quit the game after 2 hits which was enough to make his whole hand RED . then I get ruifeng , asyraf and khairuddin to join the game , while benchan just sat there and watch ‘show’ , seeing how we can beat each other lols .
The game was really really really really really very fun . Total up I hit benchan once , khairuddin , twice or thrice , asyraf once , ruifeng once and and and .. felicia , 4 . yes f-o-u-r four hard hits . she gu yi one lo , her hand put so slow don’t know is her reflex slow or what lols den I thought she would siam then in e end I always ended up hitting her . IM SO SORRY FELICIA ! hit is doting scold , scold is love, and since I hit u that hard , it only shows tt I dote and love felicia too much :DDD
and its BBQ ! this time ive got a lot of photos :D
what and who is he trying to show i dont know -.- i just know that he dont seemed shocked when i told him that there is a hole hahas
hahas i like this picture alot yea ~
candid of khairuddin , dont you all think that he looks super duper like an typical uncle who is waiting for his coffee ? LOLs uncle khairuddin ~
he is always so dumb i would just get ready my camera and say 'asyraf !' then kacha ~ and tada ~ his candid photo lols . he ALWAYS turn when i shout his name , dumb lols .
Benchan wanted us to start fire on our own and since we , the organising committee , are such an obedient lot , we listened to benchan and started fire . another story gona start .
Benchan wanted us to start fire on our own and since we , the organising committee , are such an obedient lot , we listened to benchan and started fire . another story gona start .
and i guess asyraf was looking at how khairuddin bend the mash .
the fire wasnt really flaming the charcoal so we ended up fanning and fanning and fanning and fanning .
hahas it was actually just the ashes flying all around =/
so funny :DDDD
And after that estelle gave us a talk on how to have a good 2009 . I think that was quite interesting cause we played some games too like h2o and that finger grabbing game lols . and each of us got a toblerone , a guide to a good 2oo9 and the one tt I liked most , the star (those that glow in the dark ). Thanks estelle ! I was kinda inspired to have a good 2oo9 and I think everyone feel this way too . :DD and thanks grace for coming too ! :DD
khairuddin was trying to seduce my camera
me and felicia , i was on the verge on blinking LOLs
well , it was about midnight then but someone just couldnt stop eating LOLs
chaotah chicken wings [ not all of them were chaotah , just most :D] look at the oil ..
guess who isit le ma ?
hahas the answer is ~
after resting awhile , me , felicia , kaiting , jiayan , khairuddin , noreen and syafiqah went to play , .. I forget what isit called LOLs , nvrm , the picture will tell ~~
khairuddin and noreen looked asif someone dead -.-
And we went to sleep shortly after , some slept on bed some mattress some floor . it was around 1am then and lalas , another day passed . D:
19th December 2008
We all woke up early in the morning , pack , clean , tidy and we finish eating the ice cream and we checked out . the guys and noreen went home while me , felicia , kaiting , Jiayan and khairuddin went to to e!hub . me and felicia went to sell the free tickets and benchan came shortly after . we went to explorerkid 1st some of the kids were CUTE ! while some were super rude .. then went www to sell tickets then finally went to bbq chicken to settle our breakfast cum lunch after a lot of racist stuffs LOLs. the food is nice , especially the choc ice cream .
and we joke about a lot of things . cause that shop uses olive oil and it state there extra virgin . lols I was curious and start to ask benchan about it cause he was kinda know-it-all . but he don’t know lols . and hence a lot of sick stuffs came out lols , shant say :D
we mrt-ed back home and it all ended .
we mrt-ed back home and it all ended .
next year lets have a chalet again ! then it will be much much much much much much more fun than this one ! :DDD
2o1 frontiers rocks ! we love 2o1 !
'as we go on , we remember , all the times we , had together , and as our lives change , come whatever , we will still be , friends forever :DDD'
kelly :D
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