Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I know I'm being lame lar, but people please be reminded about the upcoming projects that we have and plan your time well. Although I know only few people visit this blog now, just READ okay?! Lol.

English 1st Draft : Hand in on next Monday
Literature Drama: 28 March
Geog Podcast: 29 February (First monday of week 9)
D&T: Haven set
IPW: Haven set, but if you are not comfortable with your current group tell Mr Ong.
(For HMT students) Chinese Skit: To come up with something for CNY by next week (I think)

Pathetic right? So much projects, so little time.

Purple stands for Hui Min =DD

Friday, January 11, 2008

to all hmt students

test on monday
dont forget

Friday, January 4, 2008

Remember to bring your ties on Monday!:)
& Learn th School Song if you've forgotten how to sing !
Do your homeworks alright, and study hard & get into triple science!
HAVING ALL 1o1'o7 /2o1'o8 people inside!:D

Homeworks for th first week of school;
  1. Literature file (sigh)
  2. Maths Review (I doubt that alot people will be doing-.-)
  3. English Grammar!
I hadn't get my english grammar yet!
How? PFF.
This is a meaningless yet meaningfull post.
Why? It reminds you people to do homework!
&&& Revive th blog!

Bye. Orange stands for who?
Byees! :D

*o1frontiers, o1frontiers o1 frontiers go!:D*