Friday, February 29, 2008

you should have !

hellos , hahahahaha .
people who got good grades for common test ,
congratulations .
dont be proud like a certain person .
just that certain person .

people who arent very pleased with their results ,
dont worry , ct only luh .
mid year be better okay alr xD

yeah okay just be happy .


Saturday, February 23, 2008


hey o1 frontiers. noreen here.

ya the common test papers are difficult, but nvm !
no use crying over spilled milk ya,
so just stay positive.
no matter how much we get, or out average scores are,
at least we have tried !

2o1'08 rocks.
omg that was SUPER lame.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I know this don't really affect us, but LET'S PUT OUR HANDS TOGETHER TO CONGRATULATE SINGAPORE ON WINNING THE VOTE FOR THE FIRST YOUTH OLYMPICS IN 2010!! Woohoo!! Maybe we might even have 1 week holidays!! (fat hopes T_T)

Hui Min

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Common test coming already, everybody add oil k! :D

I don't know th timing for th test, so too bad :X Can't post here :D
Alright, I'm here just to liven up th blog. I don't think there's a word call liven. YEAH, WHO CARES UH!:D

Bye! (Loves)

Yours truly, faithfully and only :D (Maybe not only :X)
JIAYINGLEE , th noisiest girl in th class after Jorin :)